Herfra til svartehavet


Unni Gjertsens nye film «Herfra til Svartehavet» skal vises ved Norsk Luftfartsmuseum under Bodø Biennale

Produksjon: Unni Gjertsen

Mariko Miyata Jancey, danser, forteller
Erna Duesund, tidligere flygeleder assistent på Bodø lufthavn
Ayat Gali, kunstner
Arnfinn Bergrabb, percussionist

Aleksander Johan Andreassen
Unni Gjertsen

Lydmiks og mastring:
Cato Langnes

Produksjonen er støttet av:
Billedkunstnernes vederlagsfond
Notam – norsk senter for teknologi i musikk og kunst

From Here to The Black Sea by Unni Gjertsen is a sort of meditation on the geographical landscape of the Cold War. Dancer Mariko Miyata interprets the geopolitical map of the period, whilst Erna Duesund talks about her time working at the control tower at Bodø airport, and how the image of the Soviet Union, as the mighty and mysterious neighbour to the East was conveyed. Unni Gjertsen (b. 1966) is an artist, filmmaker and writer based in Oslo. Perceptions of geography and history are recurring themes in her works, often through a feminist perspective.
Unni Gjertsen, From Here to The Black Sea, 2019, 12:53 min. Courtesy of Filmform. From Here to The Black Sea is one of three short art films being screened at cinemas and other venues in Norrbotten as part of Gränsland – the 2021 edition of Länskonstmuseum Autumn Tour. You'll find more information on the Konstmuseet i Norr website